The Return Of Cousin Yellowstone
This song is from 'Remember
You're A Womble'.
It is not available on any other albums. Cousin
Yellowstone returns for one of his visits and the story
of his fortune-seeking youth is told. At the end of the
song an American-style square dance is held to celebrate
his visit. This takes the form on an additional song 'The
Womble Square Dance' which leads straight on from
the Yellowstone Song in the album.
Oh, Cousin Yellowstone is returning
from his busy business life down Boston way,
Oh, Cousin Yellowstone knows the fires are burning
And we're glad to have him back from the U.S. of A.
When he was just a child, he left
England for the Wilds,
He blazed out a trail in the West, he worked his fingers
to the bone
And he bulit himself a home as he started his journey on
the road to success.
Oh, Cousin Yellowstone is returning
from his busy business life down Boston way,
Oh, Cousin Yellowstone knows the fires are burning
And we're glad to have him back from the U.S. of A.
Nobody could tell it would all work
out so well,
But he soon took the world by surprise,
He's a Womble of the West and he always comes out best
You can tell by the way he looks you in the eyes.

Womble Shuffle
This song is
from 'Superwombling' It is also available
on 'The Ultimate Wombles Collection
and 'Best Of The Wombles'.
I do not have the words
for this song yet, sorry. Hopefully I will get it soon.

The Womble Square Dance
This song
is from 'Remember You're A Womble'. It is
also available on 'The
Wombles Christmas Party'. Carried on from 'The
Return of Cousin Yellowstone'.
Swing your partners
Womble-Style, Dosey-doe with a Womble-Smile,
Step to the left, step to the right, I wish we could
square-dance every night!
Knees a-pumping,
elbows high, Soon we'll serve some Womble Pie.
The fiddler's working well for you, we might square-dance
the whole night through!
Honour your partner,
turn around
Lift you partner off the ground
Form a square so nice and neat,
Swing those furry Womble feet!
Old Bulgaria, take
your time,
Keep On Wombling, keep in line,
Cross the room, turn round and then
Take your partners once again.
Womble fast and Womble
That's the way the music goes:
Up and down and round and round
Underground and Overground!

Wombles Warning
This song is from 'Wombling
The Wombles Warning is not available on any compilation
albums. It is a song version of one of Great
Uncle Bulgaria's
lectures that he gave to the young Wombles.
Don't you go wombling in the
nettlebeds, my friends,
No wombling in the nettlebeds.
It can be a foolish and painful experience,
It can be a rash thing for anyone to contemplate.
Don't you be tempted to the
nettlebeds, my friends,
By bits of ironmongery:
If there are mushrooms in the nettlebeds, my friends,
It's better to go hungry.
Listen to the words of the Wombles' Wise Warning,
Wellington and Bungo and Orinoco, don't you go.
Oh, there are many places you can
go, my friends,
To gather litter every day.
And you can find a lot of string and paper in the
Ordinary Womble Way.
Stinging nettles make you so sad and so miserable,
Heed the Wombles' Warning and take a piece of good

The Wombling Song (Full Version)
This song
is from 'Wombling Songs'. It is also available on 'The
Ultimate Wombles Collection CD', 'The
Wombles Chrstmas Album', 'The
Wombles Christmas Party', 'Best
Of The Wombles',
in fact, all of the compilation albums.This was the 'Hit
Record' of the Wombles' Songs.
Overground, Wombling Free,
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we.
Making good use of the things that we find,
Things that the everyday folks leave behind.
Uncle Bulgaria,
He can remember the days when he wasn't behind The Times,
With his map of the World.
Pick up the papers and take them to Tobermory!
Wombles are organized,
work as a team.
Wombles are tidy and Wombles are clean.
Underground, Overground, wombling free,
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we!
People don't notice
us, they never see,
Under their noses a Womble may be.
We womble by night and we womble by day,
Looking for litter to trundle away.
We're so incredibly,
utterly devious
Making the most of everything.
Even bottles and tins.
Pick up the pieces and make them into something new,
Is what we do!

The Wombling Song (TV version)
This is
from 'Wombling Songs'. The only other places it is
available is internet WAV files and the TV series. The
television version sings the first verse, then it fades
out just before the second verse. The midi
last a little longer before fading though.
Overground, Wombling Free,
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we.
Making good use of the things that we find,
Things that the everyday folks leave behind.

Wombling Twist
This song
is from 'Keep On Wombling'. It is also available on 'The
Ultimate Wombles Collection CD', 'Keep
On Wombling',
'The Wombles Christmas Party' and 'The
Wombles Christmas Album'.
I'm going to teach you
a dance that you can't resist,
I've decided to call it "The Wombling Twist".
When you learn to do it we can dance all day,
We can Wombling Twist every night away.
Let's twist (Twist,
twist, do the Wombling Twist)
Let's twist (Twist, twist, do the Wombling Twist)
Let's twist (Twist, twist, do the Wombling Twist)
Let's twist (Twist, twist, do the Wombling Twist)
At the Womble Club
down in West L.A.,
The music plays and they twist all day,
There's a light in the corner where the jukebox stands
It was made by a Womble out of old tin cans.
Let's twist (Twist,
twist, do the Wombling Twist)
Let's twist (Twist, twist, do the Wombling Twist)
Let's twist (Twist, twist, do the Wombling Twist)
Let's twist (Twist, twist, do the Wombling Twist)
When you get to the
door you can ring the bell
'Cause the gang's all here and we're Wombling Well,
Leave your tidy bag by the Womble door
When you Womble out to the dancing floor.

This song
is from 'Wombling Songs'. 'Tobermory' is not available
on any other compilations. It is about Tobermory, the mechanical Womble. There
is a new midi file made by Patrick Wigfull for Tobermory here.
Who is the Womble with
hammer and nails?
(Tobermory, Tobermory)
Inventor of Genius, Mender of Pails.
(Tobermory, Tobermory)
Knows all the physical laws
There are to know,
So very good with his paws is he.
Carpenter, Plumber and
Screwer of Screws,
(Tobermory, Tobermory)
Making a candle or mending a fuse.
(Tobermory, Tobermory)
His ingenuity shows in everything.
When he goes to it he knows the way.
Master of Every
Mechanical Thing.
(Tobermory, Tobermory)
Mixer of Ink and Electrical King!
(Tobermory, Tobermory)
Down in the workshop
for most of the day,
(Tobermory, Tobermory)
Making a saucepan for Madame Cholet.
(Tobermory, Tobermory).

Tobermory's Music Machine
song is from 'Keep
On Wombling'. 'Tobermory's Music Machine'
is also available on 'The
Ultimate Wombles Collection CD', and 'Best
Of The Wombles'. It is about Tobermory's invention that he
made, pitty about the spring.
Apart from the grommet
cog adjacent to the jack,
And the left-handed mangle-wheel protruding from the
If you bought it in a shop it would be cheap at half the
For a phonographic, gramophonic, record-playing,
Womble-sonic, Sound-bearing contrivance or device.
When he turned on the
power, there was music everywhere,
It came out of the funnel and it flew through the air:
As the record turned around, we were captured by the
'Til the needle stuck
'Til the needle stuck
'Til the needle stuck
'Til the needle stuck
'Til the needle stuck
If Tobermory hadn't
been so clever with his paws, He could never have
invented it or fitted it with drawers.
It was put together carefully and painted red and green,
This phonographic, gramophonic, record-playing,
Womble-sonic, Sound-bearing contrivance or machine.
When he turned on the
power, there was music everywhere,
It came out of the funnel and it flew through the air:
As the record turned around, we were captured by the
'Til the music started getting slower and slower
And slower and slower
And faster and faster and faster and faster...
He was proud of all
his efforts and his audio-techniques,
He'd studied books and everything for days or even weeks,
The sprocket-laden inner spring had only broken twice,
Which was good for a gramophonic, record-playing,
Womble-sonic, Sound-bearing contrivance or device.
When he turned on the
power, there was music everywhere,
It came out of the funnel and it flew through the air:
As the record turned around, we were captured by the
'Til the spring broke...

Wimbledon with Love
This song is not from
the original Womble songs. Although it is available on 'The
Wombles Christmas Album' and 'The
Ultimate Wombles Collection CD'.
When we're feeling hungry and we
want to eat in style,
There's a certain little Womble Lady Fair.
Popping toadstool in the oven for a while,
The sweet aroma fills the twilight air.
Madame Cholet,
What's cooking with you today?
We think you're a real cool pie.
Madame Cholet,
As sweet as cafe au lait
From the tips of your toes to the twinkling in your eye.
Madame Cholet,
Don't go away, s'il vous plait,
We couldn't survive without you, that's no lie.
When we womble home in the evening
You'll be there by the kitchen door,
We'd like to say "Merci", Madame Cholet.
When we get up in the morning and
we join the breakfast queue,
We try to make the minimum of fuss.
For even though she shouts at us and she tells us what to
We know this little lady is for us.

Overture is from the Album 'Keep
On Wombling'.
It is also on 'The
Ultimate Wombles Collection CD' and 'The
Wombles Christmas Album'. Orinoco is again dreaming! This time he
is the conductor.
And I dreamed I was
the conductor,
Down at Madison Square.
I stood in front of the orchestra
There were thousands of people there.
And the lights went down around me,
And I opened up the score,
The room was filled with the magical thrill of the
Underground Overture.
Underground Overture,
The room was filled with the magical thrill of the
Underground Overture.
Well there was no
orchestra finer
Than the one I dreamed was mine.
And we changed from Major to Minor all at the very same
As we came to the end of the coda, they were calling out
for more,
So I stood my ground second time around,
And gave a brief encore.
